14 Sep Eczema in Children
Did you know that 1 in 5 people and around 10-15% of children in Malaysia have eczema?
Eczema is one of the most common skin disorders. This condition is characterized by dryness, itchiness and rashes on skin. Weeping, crusting and bleeding of skin are not uncommon in severe cases of eczema. Constant scratching causes the skin to split and bleed, leaving it susceptible to infection. Most people start to get eczema at their infancy or early life, but the condition normally gets better as they grow up.
Eczema often appears on, but not limited to, the body part that bends like inner elbows and behind the knees. Sometimes babies or little children can also get it on their cheeks, scalp, back, arms and legs.
Eczema is caused by skin irritants and allergens such as chemicals in personal care products, pet hair, mites, dust, and fabric. Food allergens such as peanuts, seafood, dairy products and eggs may also set off eczema.
Is there any way to make it better?
The ultimate way to prevent eczema from flaring up will be to avoid all sources of irritant and allergen but that will be very hard to achieve. Eczema patients normally have dry and sensitive skin, so an easier way to ameliorate the condition is by applying a good natural or organic skin moisturizer to provide a protection barrier to the skin.
- Gardner, S.S. (2015) How can I Tell if It’s Psoriasis or Eczema?
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/psoriasis/psoriasis-or-eczema#2-6 - Jones, R.M. (2016) ABC of Dermatology (6th), United States of America: BMJ Books.
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