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Foods that Fight Inflammation

Foods that Fight Inflammation

“Doctors are learning that one of the best ways to quell inflammation lies not in the medicine cabinet, but in the refrigerator”

Inflammation = Cell Under Fire


The intense pain, redness and swelling we experience during sore throat, rash, a cut or a sprained ankle is known as acute inflammation. This kind of acute inflammation is good as it releases white blood cells to help our body fight against virus and bacteria; and begin the healing process of wound.

However, as the inflammation persists, it will turn into another kind of inflammation that becomes our enemy – chronic inflammation (the bad). It is is now being identified as the link of of severe illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s.


Fight Inflammation – by Food, Not by Medicine

One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes from what we eat. Surprisingly, choosing the right foods can help to reduce the risk of diseases. The professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Frank Hu says that “Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects“.

Fried foods, refined carbohydrate (white rice, white bread, pastries), red meat or processed meat (steaks, sausages, burgers) are those unhealthy foods that triggers bad inflammation. Hence, we can include anti-inflammation foods in our diet to lower chronic diseases risk.


  • The Healthy Fats
Omega-3 fatty acids The good fats commonly found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, almonds and walnuts are heavy hitters in the fight against inflammation throughout body and brain
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) Found in evening primrose oil (EPO) and borage oil, it reduces inflammation linked to metabolic syndrome such as diabetes and cholesterol
Olive oil Oleocanthal, a compound in olive oil helps to fight the battle by suppressing inflammatory enzymes the same way that painkiller does
  • The Healing Green
Ashitaba Leaf Rich in Chalcone that cleanses toxins in blood and protects cells from free radical damage; Germanium, one of the nature’s most powerful antioxidant and immunity booster. Chalcone and Germanium provide anti-inflammatory benefit and are found useful in preventing Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arthritis and cancers
Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant found to reduce inflammation and protect cells from aging
  • The Functional Ones
Beans & Legumes Not only do them rich in fibre, but also bursting with inflammation-reducing tryptophan and phytonutrients that help in reducing cardiovascular disease
Whole Grains Antioxidant-rich, nutrient-dense, and fiber-full whole grains wuch as quinoa, oats, barley, millet and brown rice help to keep inflammation in check


In addition, a more natural and less processed diet can results in noticeable effects on health too. According to Dr Hu., “A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life”.fight-inflammation-taglineReferences:

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