07 May Myths and Facts about Eggs
Q: Why do you eat eggs?
Eggs contain good quality protein and are a source of healthy fats including omega-3 fats. They are nutrient-rich and affordable breakfast food that helps sustain mental and physical energy throughout the day. Eggs are also one of the few foods that are rich in vitamin D. Eggs help to keep muscles working well and prevent age-related macular degeneration (an eye disease that causes central vision loss) especially in elderly. Besides, it is a healthy and good brain food for students.
Q: Is white egg healthier?
The difference in egg shell colour is solely due to genetics. Hens with white feathers tend to lay white eggs and hens with red feathers tend to lay brown eggs. Both brown and white eggs contain similar nutrient content. Egg shell colour does not indicate the quality or nutritional value of an egg.
Q: Egg yolk colour- the yellower the better?
Egg yolk colour ranging from pale yellow to deep orange and even a bright red- it all depends on a hen’s diet. Free-range hens often eat more pigmented, nutritious foods that range from insects to grasses, resulting in eggs from these chickens often have richer-coloured yolks. On the other hand, conventional, grain-fed chickens will produce a lighter yellow yolk. Hence, it has nothing to do with an egg’s nutritional value.
Q: You can see how fresh your eggs are, just by using water?
Yes, indeed. In general, you can test an egg’s freshness by placing it in a cup of water. If the egg floats to the top, it indicates the egg is old, in which case you should not eat it. If it remains on the bottom, the egg is usually safe to eat.
Q: What is the best way to store eggs?
The best way to keep eggs is to store in their original carton and place into refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase. Fresh eggs can be kept refrigerated for up to 6 weeks.
Q: Should I avoid eggs if I have high cholesterol?
An egg a day will not increase your risk of heart disease. The cholesterol in eggs has minimal effect on our blood cholesterol levels. Your cholesterol levels are more influenced by the saturated and trans fat we eat. It is recommended to cook your eggs by steam, poach and hard-boil.
- American Egg Board
https://www.aeb.org/ - 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- American Heart Association
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