
Our team of pharmacists and staffs is dedicated and passionate in providing top quality services to our customers.

At Sunlight Pharmacy, your health is our utmost priority, and we put you first with the best advice and support at your every visit!

(Warehouse) Unit 8, Lot 20 (Type A), Industri E33, Likas, Mile 2 1/2, Jalan Tuaran, Likas, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


Mon - Sat: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

阳光药剂行在与10月21日成功在Sibu Jaya 再恩堂举行了《让青春再次鼓舞》健康讲座会。此讲座是由刘欣恬药剂师和黄元玫药剂师一同主讲。非常感谢再恩堂给予的支持和配合,让这次的讲座会能够圆满结束。我们下次再见!
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